Cape Fox Facilities Services (CFFS), LLC, a Cape Fox Corporation subsidiary, recently awarded a Cape Fox Employee Spotlight Tinàa Award to Chris Guszkos. Chris is the East Area Manager for the Army Traffic Safety Training Program (ATSTP). Chris has been instrumental in ensuring that ATSTP continues to operate successfully. Chris has worked very hard to make sure that the program survived all the challenges of last year. His work ethic and can-do attitude help ATSTP students and employees to continue to be successful and satisfied. He is a great asset to the ATSTP contract and the company, and we appreciate all that he does.
Chris is one of the pioneers of Cape Fox and has been an employee since 16 May 2006. He was instrumental in setting up the ATSTP program when Cape Fox Professional Services won the initial contract. In addition to being the East Area Manager, Chris is a certified prep trainer for the instructors that teach the motorcycle and remedial drivers’ courses within the ATSTP curriculum. Chris is also the motorcycle maintenance coordinator responsible for ordering parts and repairing the bikes needed for training. With all his knowledge and longevity, Chris is the go-to person for any questions related to information about the safety program. He often voluntarily travels to multiple installations to ensure there are no training deficits. He recently took time out of his busy schedule to make two trips to transport 12 bikes purchased from the discontinued Virginia Motorcycle Safety Program. He also traveled to Ft. Belvoir to help make the new recruiting video for ATSTP. In August, he will be traveling to Germany to train German instructors on the new motorcycle course curriculum being taught OCONUS.
Though he often travels for weeks at a time, Chris loves to ride cross country and spend his downtime with his wife and two sons. Chris’ dedication to Cape Fox, his professionalism, and his willingness to do whatever is required to get the job done makes him an invaluable asset to the ATSTP and the Cape Fox family. He is an employee who embodies the mission of Cape Fox, and we are proud to have him on our team. Great job, Chris!
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