Eagle Health, the newest addition to the Cape Fox family, is proud to announce the award of a new $9 million contract with the Defense Health Agency in Aurora, Colorado. This new contract began on June 12, 2018, supporting the budget, finance, accounting, systems, and improper payment evaluation functions under the Contract Resource Management Branch. Currently, the contract is comprised of 18 active positions, with 3 additional optional positions that are expected to be awarded later in the year.
Our staff play an integral role in managing contract obligations, verifying invoices and associated financial data, ensuring audit readiness, and developing or customizing related E-Commerce tools. They also implement extensive data and statistical analyses techniques, which include performing healthcare data mining, analysis, and extraction, healthcare claims processing and auditing, and medical record billing and coding review. These methods ultimately support the recovery of any improper payments made during TRICARE medical claims processing.
The Defense Health Agency mission is to support the delivery of integrated, affordable, and high-quality health services to Military Health System beneficiaries. Eagle Health looks forward to our partnership with the Defense Health Agency and providing the highest quality services in support of their mission. This includes supporting the Contract Resource Management Branch’s impressive historical proficiency in earning clean audit opinions.