September is the end of the government’s fiscal cycle, and many contracts have been awarded during this period. This year, Cape Fox Federal Contracting Group (FCG) won several contracts, including a re-award to Eagle Health with the U.S. Army to continue to provide emergency room physician and physical therapy services at Fort Stewart in Georgia. For the past 15 years, we have provided these services to the U.S. Army, and we are delighted to continue this partnership for another five years.
Eagle Health is committed to providing qualified and competent Emergency Medicine Physicians, Physical Therapists, and Physical Therapist Assistants at Winn Army Community Hospital. Our healthcare professionals will supplement the Army’s clinical staff (e.g., military personnel, DoD civilian employees, or other contracted staff) in accomplishing its mission of providing the highest quality healthcare to its patients.
Cape Fox Corporation subsidiary Concentric Methods previously held contracts providing health care services to Fort Stewart. Program Manager Chelsey Vazquez noted, “Our clients have often praised Concentric Methods and now Eagle Health for its ‘unparallel customer service.’ We are committed to continuing that level of excellence throughout the lifecycle of this new contract award.” By the completion of this renewed contract, Cape Fox Corporation and its subsidiaries will have provided healthcare services to Fort Stewart for over 15 years.