Every year, the Army Traffic and Safety Training Program (ATSTP) holds a Professional Development Workshop for all of the lead instructors within the program. This year’s event was held in Atlanta, Georgia on 25-28 October. In attendance was 26 Lead Instructors, two Area Managers, the Program Manager, and the ATSTP Secretary.
The Professional Development Workshop was created to ensure lead supervisors at each training location are educated on company-wide policy changes, government regulation updates, and any Motorcycle Safety Foundation (MSF) and Interactive Education Concepts, Inc. policy updates. The PDW was also created to maintain a connection between our instructors in the field with the corporate office. As a result, one of the useful outcomes from the PDW has been the promotion of comraderie and unity.
The agenda for this year’s event included CostPoint timesheet and expense report training, ADP Workforce Inc. training, and an update from the Cape Fox CEO Chris Luchtefeld, President of CFSS Faye Wells, and HR director Kevin Marshall. James Schultheis also conducted a class on the RoadRageous remedial driver’s training course to ensure instructor’s input on the positive and negative aspects of the course were captured for the programmed course update. It was a successful four day event. We look forward to next year’s workshop.