Eagle Health announces the start of a new task order to continue occupational health services supporting the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for an additional three years. The work on this task order will begin by facilitating COVID-19 pandemic support for the FDA. In response, Eagle Health is increasing the number of staff at three of the FDA health units to perform employee contact tracing, implement required trainings, and help field COVID-19 inquiry calls. These services are essential to reduce the spread of the virus among FDA staff.
Eagle Health’s team performs the activities on this task order at five FDA health units in Maryland, including White Oak, Muirkirk Research Center, Wiley Building at College Park, Metro Park North, and White Flint. Standard occupational health services provided under this task order include emergency/urgent medical care, work-related medical evaluations, medical care for occupational injuries and illnesses, work-related travel medical support, health surveillance programs, immunizations, and employee wellness and counseling services.
Eagle Health was able to respond swiftly to the growing COVID-19 response needs by actively monitoring clinic operation and agency requirements to ensure optimal staffing. Eagle Health’s response to the FDA’s COVID-19 monitoring needs exemplifies its ability to provide a fully responsive solution for all FDA occupational health needs. The Eagle Health team at FDA currently consists of nine highly qualified occupational health professionals and will soon expand to 12.
FDA’s mission of regulating and protecting consumer health and safety has significantly increased during the COVID-19 pandemic. Eagle Health occupational health providers take on an increasingly more vital role with their efforts to provide clinical care and medical support to FDA’s essential employees.