CFFS, LLC, a Cape Fox Corporation (CFC) subsidiary, recognizes Jessica Stokely. Jessica has supported the CFFS USAID Human Resource Transformation Services (HRTS) contract as an HR Assistant since February 2021. She is being spotlighted for her enthusiasm, diligence, and her cooperative spirit. Her willing approach to her work has made her an extraordinary asset to the CFFS team. We proudly award her a Cape Fox Tinàa Award for Employee Excellence. This award is presented to employees who demonstrate dedication, performance, dependability, productivity, and attitude.
Jessica works hard providing daily HR processing, ensuring data accuracy, creating position information to enter new hires into systems, and posting position vacancies for the General Counsel Law and Student Pathways Programs. Additionally, she reviews candidate qualifications, creates and issues certificates, and manages service tickets by researching and providing solutions.
Jessica was recently recognized for her outstanding teamwork in completing the review, purging, and disposal of all paper personnel files in the Human Capital and Talent Management (HCTM) Records room in preparation for an office relocation to another floor. Jessica was instrumental in this effort. She was able to take on the additional task while still maintaining her core duties. This additional task required Jessica to review paper files and compare them with current or past employees’ official personnel records (OPFs) to see if they needed to be scanned into their OPFs, purged, or sent to the National Record Center, where former employee documents are stored. The customer commented, “this task would not have been completed in the required timeframe without Jessica’s commitment to excellence.”
Jessica’s thoughtful, diligent approach has made her shine. Outside of work, she is married to her high school sweetheart and loves spending time with him and their six-year-old son. She is also a self-reported book nerd with a love of seafood and reptiles. She recently added to her family when she purchased a Fancy Golden Bearded Dragon named Mijo.
Jessica has worked in human resources for 15 years and has greatly enjoyed providing her knowledge and expertise to her work with USAID. Her commitment to the work is undeniable. While she is eager to continue delivering and growing with CFFS, we feel fortunate to have her as an asset on our team. The Cape Fox Tinàa Award for Employee Excellence calls attention to those employees who excel, shine, care, and innovate. Jessica embodies this, and we are delighted to honor her. Thank you, Jessica!