Cape Fox Facilities Services (CFFS) recognizes the years of service of Mr. Tom Wood. Mr. Wood is with the CFFS Army Traffic Safety Program (ATSTP) and has been with Cape Fox since 2006. He has been on the Fort Drum Motorcycle Safety Program since 1989. Mr. Wood is about to step into the next phase of his life as he is stepping away from the program. CFFS and Cape Fox wishes Mr. Wood as much success in this new chapter as he has had with ATSTP.
Mr. Wood has likely impacted more soldiers than any single traffic safety instructor through the Army. He not only is part of the Fort Drum Motorcycle Safety Program but has also supported cadets and permanent service members at West Point. His knowledge, experience, skill, and patience has touched more than 8,500 service members, civilian employees, and dependents in the Motorcycle Safety Foundation courses and traffic safety classes. Tom was the lead instructor for the motorcycle and automobile simulator training program from 2008-2012, where he guided many young family members on their journey as new automobile operators. He also provided North Country beginners the opportunity to practice winter driving in the safe confines of virtual snow, ice, and deer. He has challenged riders of all ages and abilities to continue developing and improving their proficiency by using motorcycle simulators and providing re-deployed Soldiers access to Motorcycle Refresher Training during the winter season.
One of Tom’s most significant accomplishments came from the simulator program he was working with for Wounded Warriors and the Traumatic Brain Injury Clinic. He was part of a combined effort to return a piece of freedom, independence, and support to the Soldiers and their families. At CFFS, we cannot quantify the number of lives he has saved as a part of the Fort Drum Safety team and, more importantly, a part of the 10th Mountain Family. We are deeply honored to recognize the dedication and commitment Tom has provided Fort Drum for the last 30 years.