• Past & Present
          • Tlingit Dancer
          • Cape Fox Corporation (CFC) represents the Tlingit Alaska Natives from the Village of Saxman. CFC grows and maintains a strong financial foundation by profitably managing financial and land resources.

    • 8(a) Alaska Native Corporation
          • Blue mountains and water
          • Congress gave ANCs unique rights in the Federal procurement process, which are now codified under the US Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). These rights provide Federal Agencies and Federal Contractors with strong incentives to contract with ANC firms.

    • Leadership
          • Tlingit Art
          • Uniting our diverse team of subsidiaries and employees requires leaders who are devoted to the corporate mission and the community. A strong team looks to strong leaders for guidance and support.

    • Construction Services
          • Construction Services
          • We exceed expectations with our expert services in design-build, renovation, security, and everything else in between to provide the best for your construction needs.

    • Event Management & Marketing
          • Event Management
          • From conception to execution to promotion, Cape Fox FCG is the place to go for your next successful conference, workshop, or industry event.

    • Facilities & Security
          • Facilities & Security
          • Our Facilities and Security teams ensure the functionality, comfort, safety, sustainability, and efficiency of any building environment.

    • Healthcare
          • Healthcare
          • We take care of you with expert level medical support, program coordination, clinical research, behavioral health, and more.

          • Occupational Health
    • IT & Cyber Security
          • IT & Cyber Security
          • We are ahead of the game with unique capabilities in leading-edge technologies and precision in solving information technology and cybersecurity challenges.

    • Professional Services
          • Professional Services
          • Our Professional Services teams specialize in Training, Human Resources, Healthcare Administration, and Administrative and Logistical Support Services.

    • Cape Fox Endeavor
          • Cape Fox Endeavor Logo
          • Cape Fox Endeavor’s primary mission is to provide efficient and reliable solutions that customers can rely on to solve all organizational challenges.

    • Cape Fox Facilities Services
          • Cape Fox Facilities Services
          • As a full-service professional service company, Cape Fox Facilities Services principally delivers scientific and research services; develops and manages human capital solutions; and provides traditional custodial, security, and maintenance services for Government and private sector clients.

          • HCaTS 8(a)
          • OASIS
    • Cape Fox Federal Integrators
          • Cape Fox Federal Integrators
          • Cape Fox Federal Integrators’ mission is to provide timely, innovative, and high-quality solutions to warfighters, Federal agencies, and commercial partners.

          • 8(a) STARS III
          • OASIS
    • Cape Fox Mission Systems
          • Cape Fox Mission Systems
          • As an industry leader, Cape Fox Mission Systems will deliver mission-critical solutions in nine key areas of technology, including Artificial Intelligence Technology, C5ISR, Cloud Solutions, Cyber Security, Engineering and Integration, IT Modernization, Mission Planning, Secure Supply Chain, and Software Development.

    • Cape Fox Mountain Point
          • Cape Fox Mountain Point
          • Cape Fox Mountain Point expands the capabilities offered for construction and facilities services. Cape Fox Mountain Point’s mission is to be the preeminent provider of construction and facilities services by consistently delivering high quality services at fair and competitive prices.

    • Concentric Methods
          • Concentric Methods
          • As a contract service provider, Concentric Methods focuses on offering value-driven smart solutions in the following markets: medical services, information technology, professional administrative, biosafety, and engineering services.

          • Joint Commission Info
    • Eagle Health
          • Eagle Health
          • Eagle Health is a professional service company delivering integrated medical services, document control and records management, biosafety and biosecurity program management, occupational medical and health services, and professional and administrative support services solutions.

          • Eagle’s Eye View
          • Health Webinar Calendar
    • Kwaan Tech
          • Kwaan Tech
          • Kwaan Tech will accomplish its mission by focusing on Digital Modernization with three primary elements as its core competencies – Information Technology, Cyber Security and Command, Control, and Communications (C3).

    • NAVAR
          • NAVAR
          • NAVAR was founded in January 2005 as an Alaska Native Corporation (ANC) and is a subsidiary of Cape Fox Corporation. Prior to becoming a subsidiary of Cape Fox, NAVAR started out as a commercial company in Ketchikan, Alaska with a focus on the local tourism business.

    • Nooya Lake Technologies
          • Nooya Lake Technologies
          • Nooya Lake Technologies, LLC was founded in 2023 and will utilize its expertise to offer services to our government customers to address technology innovation, access, and utilization and bring digital equity and digital health equity solutions that matter.

    • Saxman One
          • Saxman One
          • Saxman One is a professional service company that principally delivers logistical support services, training solutions, conference and event management, and intelligence support to government and private sector clients.

    • Wolf Lake Services
          • Wolf Lake Services
          • Wolf Lakes Services’ primary mission is to help our customers realize significant performance and sustained improvements by creating unprecedented value, providing high standards of customer service, and achieving extraordinary results.

  • Cape Fox Cares
    • Working at Cape Fox FCG
          • Group of Professionals Working Together
          • At Cape Fox Federal Contracting Group (FCG), we offer you the opportunity to contribute in a meaningful way to the mission objectives Cape Fox FCG supports. Committed to an uncompromising pursuit of excellence, we seek individuals of exceptional talent, integrity, and professional responsibility.

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    • Diversity & Inclusion
          • Diverse group of employees
          • Cape Fox Federal Contracting Group (FCG) believes strongly in the core values of our Alaska Native Tlingit ancestors of family and community. By strengthening our communities, we are emboldening our company. Over the past decade, we have grown our efforts to be a more diverse and inclusive company by starting with defining our values and mission.

    • Meet Our Professionals
          • Smiling young Employee
          • We hire experts in their respective fields, ensure that budgets are created and adhered to achieve the most cost-effective results, have dedicated personnel who address safety requirements and industry standards, and employ security staff who establish protocols and meet government guidelines efficiently and promptly.

    • Professional Development
          • In today’s fast-paced and ever-evolving business world, continuous learning and skill development are more than just an asset; they are necessities. The 2024 Professional Development Series offers a structured, comprehensive approach to learning, ensuring that our employees are not just prepared for the challenges of today but are also equipped to embrace the opportunities of tomorrow.
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          • The Cape Fox Federal Contracting Group (FCG) Newsroom provides updates on press releases, white papers, Eagle's Eye View blog, and employee awards.

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          • The FCG award-winning online video library provides insights, shows capabilities, and shares what it means to be Team Cape Fox.

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          • Please fill out the contact form to request further information about Cape Fox FCG, or you may email the Corporate Communications Manager directly at [email protected].

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February at last. Did you make it through January with your New Year’s resolutions intact? While many of us may start to give up on those resolutions, the idea of living and being healthier this year is an admirable goal, and it is attainable. February is an excellent time to reconnect with your health and wellness resolutions. During the month of February, we celebrate American Heart Month and National Eating Disorder Awareness Month. During this month, much focus is placed on how we eat and how we can live healthier lives.

Usually, of the people who make resolutions, about 34% want to lose weight and improve their diet. While it is an admirable goal to eat healthier, it does not mean you have to completely change your diet, which can feel overwhelming and lead to “diet fatigue.” Below are eight healthy eating tips to help you augment the “healthy” part of your healthy eating plan.

Eat your veggies.  Ideally, we should be eating anywhere from 2 to 4 cups of non-starchy vegetables per day. If you do not already do that, find ways in your current diet where you can add those veggies, including:

  • Adding a veggie to your sandwich
  • Swapping out chips for carrot sticks or other non-starchy vegetables
  • Having cut-up peppers with hummus as a snack


For lunch and dinner, try making half of your plate vegetables. Not only does this add to your veggie intake, but it also helps with portion control because you will be filling up on fewer calories. Remember, taste buds change. Vegetables that you may have disliked as a child might taste differently now, so do not be afraid to try something new! An excellent way to be creative with your veggies is to try roasting vegetables and topping them with a bit of Parmesan cheese or different spices.

Another good tip when you are busy is not to feel you have to eat fresh veggies. Skip the fresh vegetables and stick with frozen. Frozen vegetables take less time to prepare, and still gets you your necessary veggie intake.


An apple a day. Fruits are loaded with health-boosting phytonutrients. Do not fear the sugar in fruit because two servings of fruit daily will not give you too much sugar, and it is natural, non-processed sugar. Fruit also offers vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants.


Make a plan. Have you ever gone to the grocery store when you were hungry and then regretted all your sugary, processed food selections? Try making a list before you go to the store and sticking to it. When making that list, think about what meals you will make. While some variety is important, you do not have to eat a different breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day. Relying on leftovers can be really helpful with meal planning.


Keep it simple. Speaking of planning, it is an excellent idea to sit down and plan out your meals weekly. But be realistic. If it is a busy week ahead, making a complicated dinner may take more time than you are able to devote. Meal planning can be a great way to save time during the work week and to avoid splurging on last-minute take-out or fast food on those busy nights. A good rule to follow for meal preparation is to include a vegetable, a fiber-containing starch, and a lean protein. There are several easy ways to get those three food types in each of your meals:

  • Frozen vegetables are just as nutritious as fresh and easier to prepare.
  • Include easy-to-cook lean protein like pre-portioned chicken, cans of tuna, frozen edamame, or cans of black beans.
  • Sweet potatoes are a fiber-rich starch that can be cooked in the microwave.
  • You can cook brown rice or quinoa in larger amounts so that you have leftovers.


Whole is best. Refined grains like white bread and white pasta lack fiber, which helps with digestion but also helps with blood sugar regulation and portion control. Instead, choose whole-grain bread, brown rice, and whole-wheat pasta. You can also try different whole grains like farro, bulgur, and quinoa.


Switch up your proteins. When you are trying to eat healthy, it does not mean you have to eat the same meals every day. That can lead to “diet fatigue” and burnout which could then lead you to return to unhealthy food additions. Protein helps prolong satiety, or feeling full, between meals and avoid snacking. It is good to include some protein in each meal, but that does not mean that it has to be meat. Beans and soy are excellent plant-based sources of protein. It is also best to eat more lean proteins and less high-fat proteins. Chicken, fish, beans, and soy are great lean proteins to include; eat less cheese, beef, and fried or processed meats.


Say no to the juice cleanse. Many on their healthy eating journey start by doing juice cleanses. However, adopting an extremely restrictive diet is not an effective way to meet your health goals. Juice cleanses lack nutrients and adequate calories, and often, the weight lost on these diets is just water weight. Also, restricting caloric intake as juice cleanses call for will typically cause people to overeat once they resume eating normally.


Log your journey. A food log can be a great way to start modifying your eating habits. Track everything you eat for 3-4 days and then review by asking yourself these questions:

  • How often did you eat out of boredom?
  • How many servings of fruits and vegetables did you include?
  • How many snacks did you have throughout the day?


Reviewing your answers to these three questions will give you a better idea of what, how, and why you are eating. Once you have that, you can identify what changes need to be made.

Dieting is never easy, and often, what works for one person may not work for another. The most important concept about dieting is to remember that you are doing it to be healthier and not necessarily for a particular weight loss goal.


On your journey toward excellent health and wellness, remember that Cape Fox offers the Employee Assistance Benefit through Lifeworks.  The Lifeworks website offers tools and resources to help you in any aspect of your life, including healthy eating; visit https://lifeworks.com/en to learn more.  If you have any questions for Cape Fox HR on Lifeworks or this monthly tip, reach out to [email protected].